The third installment of the Heist Society series, "Perfect Scoundrels," follows the adventures of Katarina Bishop and WW Hale V, two individuals born into vastly different worlds. Kat hails from a family of charming criminal masterminds, while Hale is the heir to one of the most prestigious dynasties in the world. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, both families share a common skill: the ability to fly under the radar while obtaining whatever they desire, even if it means stealing. The Bishops are known for their unwavering reliability, always ready to take on any risk. However, in Hale's family, all bets are off when money is involved. When he unexpectedly inherits his grandmother's billion-dollar corporation, Hale realizes that there may no longer be room for Kat and their old heists in his new life. But Kat won't let him go without a fight, especially after she receives a tip that his grandmother's will may have been tampered with in a complex scheme to steal the company's fortune. Determined to protect her loved ones, Kat devises an ambitious plan that only the daring Bishop family would dare attempt. But in order to pull it off, she must be willing to do the impossible. As she fights for her crew and her boyfriend's company, Kat must make a difficult decision: is she willing to sacrifice their relationship for the sake of saving the business?
34 Chapters