In "Curtsies and Conspiracies," the second installment of the Finishing School series, we follow Sophronia as she navigates her second year at Miss Geraldine's Finishing Academy. Along with her friends Dimity and Vieve, Sophronia must outsmart London's notorious kidnappers while also helping Vieve attend Bunson boys school. But things take a dangerous turn when someone starts killing for malfunctioning guidance valves that have the power to control the aether atmosphere. As always, Sophronia can't resist flirting with the charming sootie coalworker from the boiler room, and even manages to cut in on Felix, the son of Duke Golborne, at a comeout ball. Meanwhile, their teacher Captain Niall reveals himself to be a werewolf vampire, and Prof Braithwope bravely faces off against a menacing tether mechanimal. And let's not forget about Bumbersnoot, the ever-reliable mechanical dog who plays a crucial role in this thrilling adventure.
34 Chapters