In the thirteenth installment of the Pretty Little Liars series, the stakes are higher than ever before. As spring arrives in Rosewood, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, and Aria find themselves on a different kind of mission - to uncover the identity of their tormentor, A. While their peers are focused on finding the perfect prom attire, the girls are determined to put an end to A's reign of terror. Hanna sets aside her campaign for prom queen to volunteer at a burn clinic, where she encounters one of A's victims. Meanwhile, Emily delves into Ali's past at the mental hospital, only to face unexpected and chaotic consequences. Spencer enlists the help of an amateur private investigator to track down her stalker, but things take a personal turn during their sessions. And Aria's worst fears come true when her dark secret from Iceland is exposed, leading her to question if the person she's been trying to hide it from has known all along. The liars are finally fighting back against A, but no matter what they do, their adversary always seems to be one step ahead, ready to crush them completely. Will they be able to outsmart A and put an end to their torment once and for all? Only time will tell as the girls continue to navigate through the dangerous game of secrets and lies.
34 Chapters